Hashimoto Nanami (橋本奈々未?), also known as Marukyu (マルキュー 09?), is a character from Hatsumori Bemars. She is Team Hatsumori Bemars' 3rd Basewoman, formerly a substitute. She has a part-time job as a saleslady in Harajuku 209.
Special Skills[]
- Previous Softball Experience - when Marukyu's twin brother got sick, she played in his place, disguised as her brother.
- Acting Ability - she had displayed this ability when she had previously acted as her brother, with only Nanamaru finding out the truth.
- Fashion Sense - even though she always look serious, Marukyu is knowledgeable about the latest fashion trends.
- Marukyu's nickname is based on the 109 depatment store chains (read as ichi-maru-kyū). Given that Nanamaru is fond of giving her "research subjects" a nickname, it is probable that Nanamaru gave it to her due to her knowledge in fashion.